Film Synopsis: Newly appointed as Head of Investigation and Operations at the NDA, Modesire aims to eradicate the country’s drug menace. Her aggressive tactics attract the attention of a dangerous cartel, leading to death threats. Despite her husband Dike’s pleas to back down, Modesire’s relentless pursuit strains their marriage and puts their family at risk. Dike faces a life-changing decision to save them, setting off a dramatic and perilous journey.
Directed by: Ayeny T. Steve
Written by: Diche Enunwa, Temitope Bolade, Adeniran Oluwatoyin Adewumi
Cast: Vera Ephraim, Tomiwa ‘Sage’ Kukoyi, David Jones David, Gregory Ojefua, Ibrahim Suleiman, Kelechi Udegbe, Kehinde Bankole, Bimbo Manuel
Genre: Action, Drama
Language(s): English
Film Duration: 1hr 59min
Produced by: Benjamin Abejide, Adeniran Oluwatoyin Adewumi
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